Before you change jobs, select a college major or start a new career, you can save years of searching and thousands of dollars in lost opportunity. Satisfaction in the right job energizes us, it stumulates us and supports our growth and success.

PAS Clients:

“I was looking for new insight on my personality and a proper career and life path. I was previously a soprano for 10 years but had lost my voice due to health reasons. I am so exited about how my Integrated Profile sessions revealed that I may take my talents into an area of tutoring music in a whole new way, something I’d only dreamt of in the past.”
—Sonja O., San Jose, CA

". . . I have utilized personology in my practice (Podiatry) extensively for the past ten years, it is extremely useful in medicine.”
—A.T.B., Phoenix, AZ

“I had taken a class on advertising and realized I had kinship with the work of that field, but I felt unsure until I received the independent and objective information from the Profile.”
—Annette C., Capitola, CA

Career Selection and Human Resources Tool

Do you fit into one of the top 20 careers for the coming decade? How about your spouse or children? Discover for yourself how the Profile can zero in on your best livelihood based on your personality strengths. Get valuable tips on how to understand others, and how to reach your goals with information you can apply to your life today and every day.

Human resource departments can take advantage of the information that the IPP provides to give the employee their best opportunties and responsibilities. If you are the boss, knowing at date of hire the best fit for a position in your business makes the work environment more productive and harmonious, saving time and money.

How Professionals Benefit from the Profile

  • COUNSELORS—Connect with your client in a way that will speak to their listening
  • TEACHERS—understand your student to accurately provide a custom lesson plan
  • LIFE COACHES—Get to know your client quickly and guide them further down the road to success
  • MANAGERS—Make your business strategies count with a team tailored to success
  • LAW ENFORCEMENT—enhance safety through in-depth understanding of people and their tendencies
  • MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS—Save time by understanding the needs of your patient
  • REAL ESTATE AGENTS—Quickly know your clients to match them with a property to suit their lifestyle